Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Deploy SCCM 2007 SP2 RC on Windows Server 2008 R2

Today I had to deploy SCCM 2007 SP2 RC on a Windows Server 2008 R2 system. The installation went pretty straightforward, however it can become a little tricky if you have not installed previous versions of SCCM. This procedure deploys SCCM in mixed mode, on a future post I will show how to deploy the needed PKI infrastructure to support the native mode of SCCM.

Below you will find the step-by-step:

1.OS Pre-requisites

1.Features > Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) – Add every role and service required.

2.Features > Remote Differential Compression

3.Role > Web Server (IIS): Add the following components to the default selection.
2.Windows Authentication
3.Dynamic Content Compression
4.IIS6 Metabase Compatibility
5.IIS6 WMI Compatibility
6.WebDAV Publishing

2.SQL Server 2008 + SP1
1.Database Engine Services.
2.Reporting Services.
3.Management Tools – Complete.
4.Use NETWORK SERVICE for every SQL Server Service.
5.Configure SSRS in native mode.
6.After installation, download and install SQL Server 2008 SP1.

3.WSUS 3.0 SP2
1.Download and install “Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008 SP1”
2.Download and Install WSUS 3.0 SP2
1.Use the SQL Server 2008 db deployed before to store the updates.
2.Create a dedicated IIS Website for WSUS.
3.Run the initial configuration wizard and select the behavior and types of updates you want.
4.Configure WebDAV on IIS7.5
1.Open the WebDAV properties on the Default Website

2.Click on “Enable WebDAV” on the Actions pane.
3.Click on “Add Authoring rule” on the Actions pane.
■Allow Access To: All Content
■Allow access to this content to: All Users
■Permissions: Read
4.Click on “WebDAV Settings” on the Actions pane.
■Property Behavior > Allow Anonymous Property Queries = True
■Property Behavior > Allow Custom Property = Fals
■Property Behavior > Allow Property Queries with Infinite Depth = True
■WebDAV Behavior > Allow Hidden Files to be Listed = True

5.Modify on the ApplicationHost.config the directive
1.Open C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config
2.Allow the file extension “.mdb” by editting the section:

5.SCCM 2007 SP2 RC
1.Extend the AD Schema: This is a non-reversible operation and should be executed on production environments without taking rollback measures before.
1.Run the EXTADSCH.EXE file under an account with enough privileges to modify the AD schema (Member of Schema Admin security group)

2.If you have any problem with this step, check the log file on c:\ExtADSch.log
3.Now that you have extended the schema you need to enable the publishing of SCCM information into AD, to do this
1.Manually create the System Management Container in AD:
2.Set the security properly on that container:
3.And after the installation finishes verify that SCCM is automatically publishing this information: (This is created by default)
2.Run the Pre-requisite checker to verify there you pass every test.
3.Run the SCCM Setup
1.Select “Install a Configuration Manager site server”.
2.Select “Custom Settings”
3.Select “Primary Site””
4.Enter Site Code (“eg: TNA”) and Site name
5.Install a mixed mode configuration (We did not deploy needed certificated for the native mode)
6.Select local SQL Instance and default DB name.
7.Setup a provider on the localhost.
8.Install a management point on the localhost.
9.Use the default port for communications (80)
10.Select a local folder to download the SCCM updates, this will take a while

11.Finally, launch the SCCM installation.
6.SCCM Post-Deployment Configuration Tasks
1.I suggest to follow this checklist to begin using your SCCM deployment:
2.Configure Site Boundaries

3.Select the roles

4.Client Installation
1.Configure Client Push Installation using a Domain Admin account.
2.Configure Discovery Methods: Enable Active Directory Discovery

Now wait for the discover to occur and begin managing!!